

Applications - UYGULAMALAR

AURAS-2000 GmbH firması,

Budapeşte/Macaristan Türkiye Temsilcisi (Tarık Tekeş) tarafından satılan kimyasal bazlı AUFLOW-70 kanal refrakter malzemesi, aşınan veya daimi kanal kaplaması olarak çok önemli avantajlara sahiptir.
Döküm kanallarında AUFLOW-80 kullanılır.

Yeni geliştirilen kimyasal bağlı malzeme, yıpranmadan kaynaklanan onarım işlerinin, ısıtma dahil olmak üzere çok hızlı bir şekilde gerçekleştirilmesine imkan sağlar. Isıtma işlemi, su içermeyen refrakter malzemeden dolayı hızlı bir şekilde gerçekleşir. Bu malzemedeki kimyasal bağlanmayı nanoteknolojik prosesler sağlar.
Bu refrakter malzemenin başka pozitif özellikleri de vardır: çok düşük gözenek oranı, buna rağmen nemi çok hızlı uzaklaştırma özelliği, son derece yüksek ısı dayanımı ve mekanik zorlanmaya karşı mükemmel sağlamlık.
Malzeme, iyi temizlenmiş olan duvara nano parçacıklar sayesinde iyice yapışır.
Malzemenin kimyasal bağlanma özelliği ise, 400-500 oC’ye varan duvar sıcaklıklarında hızlı bir sıcak onarımın yapılmasına olanak sağlar.
Kimyasal bağlı AUFLOW-70 ve AUFLOW-80 refrakter malzemeleri yerleştirme yöntemi
Refrakter malzeme, 1 tonluk big-bag çuvallar veya istek üzerine 25’er kg’lık kağıt torbalar halinde, bağlayıcı malzeme AUSOL 1540 ise, 1000 litrelik plastik hazneler veya daha küçük plastik bidonlar içinde teslim edilir.

Refrakter malzeme, sadece birlikte gönderilen bağlayıcı malzemelerle karıştırılabilir. Su veya başka bir bağlayıcı malzemenin ilave edilmesi kesinlikle sakıncalıdır.
Karıştırma işleminde bir cebri karıştırıcının kullanılması avantaj sağlar. Burada malzemenin kıvamı, kullanılacak bağlayıcı malzeme miktarına bağlı olarak nispeten geniş sınırlar içinde ayarlanabilir.
Yakl. %6-7 oranında bağlayıcı malzeme kullanıldığında vibrasyon uygulanabilir. Bağlayıcı malzeme oranı %8-10’u geçince malzeme kendiliğinden akmaya başlar ve herhangi birvibrasyon gerekmez. Bu durumda, yerleştirme işlemi için normal bir beton pompası kullanılabilir.

Yıpranan astar kaplamanın yapışan malzemelerden ve kirden arındırılması şarttır. Bunun için uygun temizleme aletleri kullanılmalıdır. Kalıplar monte edildikten sonra yeni malzeme yerleştirilebilir. Elverişli aletler kullanıldığı takdirde, 1-2 saat içinde 15-25 ton arasında malzeme yerleştirmek mümkündür. Dolayısıyla, normal bir beton pompası ile saatte 14-15 ton malzeme sorunsuzca yerleştirilebilir.

Duvarın sıcaklığı yerleştirme işlemi sırasında doğal olarak 150-500 oC’ye varabilir. Bu sıcaklık, yeni refrakter malzeme yerleştirilirken herhangi bir sorun yaratmaz. Priz alma süresi ise, ortam sıcaklığına ve kullanılan bağlayıcı malzemenin miktarına bağlı olarak 0,2 ile 2 saat arasındadır. Kalıplar ancak malzeme sertleştikten sonra çıkarılmalıdır.

Kalıplar alındıktan sonra hemen ısıtma işlemine başlanabilir. Isıtma işlemindeki sıcaklık saat başına doğal olarak 100-200 oC arasında olabilir.
Yukarıda açıklanan yöntem ile, kanal kaplaması 24 saatlik bir periyot içinde “sıcak üzerine
sıcak” şeklinde komple yenilenebilir.
Yeni yerleştirilen refrakter malzemenin miktarı hesaplanırken 1 ton ham demir başına 0,22- 0,35 kg esas alınmalıdır. Burada kullanılacak olan refrakter malzeme miktarının elbette fırın işletimi ile kanal kullanım teknolojisine ve kanalın niteliğine bağlı olacağı göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır.

Kimyasal bağlı AUFLOW kanal refrakter malzemelerinin avantajları...
- Hazırlanan yeni refrakter malzeme daha önce iyice temizlenmiş olan duvar kaplamasının üzerine yerleştirilir. Böylece, malzemeye bağlı işletim giderleri sıradan teknolojilere kıyasla azaltılır.

- Yeni kanal profilinin kaplanması için gereken malzeme, eski kaplamanın temizlenmesi için çıkarılan malzemeden çok daha fazla değildir. Malzeme, eski kaplamaya çok iyi yapışma özelliğine sahip olduğundan, her halükarda kalıcı kaplama ortaya çıkıncaya kadar temizleme yapılması şart değildir.

- Duvarın temizlenmesi normal motorlu kazıma/kırma aletleri ile gerçekleştirilir.

- Orijinal kanal profili çok hızlı bir şekilde tekrar oluşturulabilir ve böylece tek kanallı
teknolojide üretim süresi açısından önemli avantaj sağlanabilir.
- Malzeme kendiliğinden akma özelliğine sahip olduğundan özel yerleştirme ekipmanları gerekli değildir. Ancak, kanaldan sonraki bölümlerde vibrasyon teknolojisi uygulanabilir.

- Malzeme, karıştırıcıdan doğrudan kanalın içine dökülebilir veya çalışma hızının önemli ölçüde arttırılması için beton pompası ile yerleştirilebilir.

- Malzemenin kıvamı, kanalın sıcaklığına bağlı olarak, bağlayıcı malzeme miktarı ile nispeten geniş sınırlar içerisinde ayarlanabilir. Malzemenin dayanıklılığı bundan olumsuz etkilenmez.

- Katı kontrollere tabi tutulması gereken bir ısıtma işlemi öngörülmemiştir. Dolayısıyla,çimento bağlı sıradan ürünlerde ısıtma sırasında meydana gelen sorunlar burada yaşanmaz.

- Malzemenin hidrolik bağlı malzemelere kıyasla çok daha yüksek olan dayanıklılığı sayesinde eritilen malzeme miktarına bağlı refrakter malzeme giderleri de düşürülebilir.

Yüksek fırın kanal duvarına kimyasal bağlı                                    Refrakter
malzemelerin yerleştirilmesi,
1. Yüksek fırın ana kanalında kendiliğinden akma özellikli kimyasal bazlı AUFLOW-70 ff malzemeden oluşturulan çalışma astarı,
Konu detayı pdf formatında gönderilecektir,

  1. Foundries
    1. Aluminium foundries
    2. Iron and steel foundries
    3. Non-ferrous metal foundry
  2. Cement Intusdry
  3. Energy Industry
    1. Power Plants (coal, gas and bio energy)
    2. Furnaces. (coal, gas, bio)
  4. Waste Incinerator
  5. Alumina manufacturing
  6. Sugar industry
  7. Glass industry
  8. Brick and tile industry
  9. Chemical industry
  10. Porcelain and ceramic industry
  11. Heat treatment
  12. Fireplaces

  1. Foundries
    1. Aluminium foundries

ALUMINIUM INDUSTRY (Al-wetting products)
Manufacturer of trading product by our firm plays key role in developing materials of aluminium industry. We offer castables, bricks, and additional products for the lining of every type of furnace, runner and ladle.
Advantages of using monolithic linings in aluminium furnaces:
  • Essentially fewer joint compared to the brick execution
  • The furnace geometry can be formed more flexibly
  • Partial repairs are possible
  • Cleaning is easier because the bricks cannot be pulled out
  • Due to high density of castables and their non-wetting effect
    • the work lining seems to have essentially less damp effect
    • compared to brick execution, lower inclination seems to the formation of corundum
    • Lower maintenance cost due to the longer lifetime of refractory lining
    • Better quality of the aluminium alloys because of no Si dissolving in the binding phase
Monolithic products:

  • LC and MC castables, where the aluminium touches the lining
    (work lining)
  • Insulating castables and castables of safety layer
    (also Al-wetting)
  • Drying masses
    (Induction furnaces)
  • Plastic masses
    (Induction furnaces, burners, repairing masses)
  • Special masses for different fields of application: castables on SiC and SiO2 basis
    (Charging bank, areas requiring good thermal-sock resistance)
Fields of application:
  • Aluminium melting furnaces, picture 1 and 2.
  • Melting and holding shaft furnace picture 3 and 4.
    (E.g. ZPF-Therm, Striko, Stotek, etc.)
  • Low-pressure furnace, picture 5.
    (E.g. Westomat, Stotec)
  • Induction furnace, picture 6.
    (E.g. Junker, Inductoterm)
  • Induction furnace with runner, picture 7.
  • Ladles, public road transport ladles, runners

  1. Foundries
    1. Iron and steel foundries
Induction furnaces with crucible
Among our producers there is one of the world’s leader suppliers of refractory foundry materials. Its Unique Swedish basic commodity has been a benchmark to other induction furnace lining materials since more than 50 years. We offer all types of dry vibro-mass: acid, neutral, basic. Wilde range of our dry masses has been used for 40 years in induction furnaces for melting iron, steel and copper. The basic product line enables to found compound steel, high manganese content manganese steel mainly continuous works. For melting copper and copper alloy we offer different products.

Melting furnaces with runner, holding and casting furnaces
As a result of the close cooperation with furnace manufacturers and foundries, a wide choice of quality materials and solutions have worked up for moulders. Refractory liners are excellently applicable even in the most employed areas. Neutral and basic materials are available for the inductor.

Cupola furnaces
As a market leader, our producer transports high quality materials for the long, medium and short campaign cupola furnaces. Lining materials let users get several advantages:
  • Increased walling lifetime
  • Reduced production losses
  • Efficient, productive lining materials
  • Reduced maintenance time
  • Lower power consumption
  • Prominently good repairing and walling methods

However, ladles play key role in every foundry. We take great care of the choice of the necessary refractory liners for every possible ladle to reduce heat loss and consumed energy.

Lining in ladles can be done with castable, fireclay and basic bricks depending on the application.

  1. Foundries
    1. Non-ferrous metal foundry

  1. Cement Intusdry
Due to developments made for the past 30 years, our partners possess a wide product palette adequate for the requirements of cement industrial refractory materials.
In our product palette you can find:
  • LC low cement castables
    outstanding strength, resistance to wear and corrosion
  • ULC – ultra low cement castables
    lowest porosity; excellent mechanical resistance to wear, and resistant to alkali formation
  • Self-flowing castables
    for the lining of thin layers and hardly accessible places, with keeping the quality of LC and ULC castables
  • Gunning castables, masses
    low installation loss, equal homogeneity
  • Rammed castables
    easy installing, and drying combined with good strength and thermal-sock resistance
  • Special LC and ULC castables enriched with SiC
    resistance to the corrosion in consequence of alkali, respectively to eliminate or minimize sticking up
  • Plastic refractory materials
    air setting or phosphate setting working lining for some special area
  • Insulating castables
    casting or gunning with low installation loss
Fields of use:
  • Clinker cooler
  • Satellite cooler – outlet, knee
  • Burner/lance
  • Rotating kiln – closing ring
  • Furnace head
  • Tertiary air pipe
  • Chain zone
  • Grate
  • Inlet part
  • Cyclones
  • Chutes
  • Cooler – air exhauster cyclones

  1. Energy Industry
    1. Power Plants (coal, gas and bio energy)
  1. Dense castables
    1. Casting concrete
      1. Normal dense refractory castables
      2. low cement castables
      3. ultra low cement castables with SiC content
    2. Ramming and self-flowing castables
      1. Ramming castables
        (Easy to install, requires minimal vibration.)
      2. Self-flowing castables
        (Requires precise mixing, but it does not have to be vibrated. It fills in the space and exhausts air by itself. It casts very well to the cleaned old lining.)
    3. Gunning masses

  2. Plastic ramming masses
    They are installed by ramming. It makes the lining of roofs and vaults possible. It is easy to dry and it has remarkably good heat-sock resistance.

  3. Thin layers, top layers
    SiC products were developped for the refractory lining of diaphragm (membrane) walls. Among their qualities there are good thermal conductivity, good heat-sock resistance and chemical resistance.

  4. Insulating materials
    Their temperature of application is 850-1700 oC.
    Fields of application:
    • Outlet port
    • Fluid beds
    • Cyclones
    • Slag conductor
    • Burners
    • Furnace chamber
    • Inlet part
    • After burning
    • Big sidewalls
    • Pipe cover
    • Lining materials
    • Roof
    • Upper walls
    • Disperser, etc.

    1. Energy Industry
      1. Furnaces

    boiler’s charging

    boiler’s big side-wall

    1. Waste Incinerator
    Our producers are suppliers of many companies that operate in the field of refuse destruction.
    • Household incinerator
    • Thick-walled grated incinerator
    • Thin-walled grated or rolling incinerator
    • Static or circulating fluid-bed incinerator
    • Vibrating or rotary kiln incinerator
    • Incinerator with pyrolysis
    • Hospital incinerator
    • Industrial suspension incinerator
    • Biomass and wooden cuttings incinerator
    Our refractory products meet the requirements caused by the resistance to corrosion and abrasion, aiming at long-lasting usability.
    The inlet part, the sidewalls of the grate, and the slug tundish are places exposed to abrasion so much – it is recommended to install materials with low cement content.
    The ultra low cement castables and self-flowing castables are extensively used in chambers that claim alkali resistance.

    1. Alumina manufacturing

    1. Sugar industry

    1. Glass industry

    1. Brick and tile industry

    1. Chemical industry

    1. Porcelain and ceramic industry

    1. Heat treatment

    1. Fireplaces

    Quick repair in aluminium industry - Aluminyum Endüstrisinde hızlı Onarım çözümleri

    In our hurried world the continuous availability of means of production is very important. Therefore the demand of our customers to work without their melting and soaking furnace as short as possible in case of a small damage is understandable. Our experts worked out a new technology, which makes the repair of certain smaller damages of melting and soaking furnaces during a weekend possible. The quick repair can be executed by using a new chemical bonded aluminium repellent refractory material. When repair is completed, the setting time is 3-4 hours, then the shuttering can be removed, and the heating up can be started immediately.

     People should not wait 24 hours for the final forming of hydraulic setting, as in case of cement bonded products.
    Heating up speed of furnaces repaired with AUFLOW-80 AL can be 120 oC / hour, therefore, by using this material the furnace can be placed back to production in 12-24 hours after the repair instead of the usual 3-5 days heating up.

    Knowledge base - Temel Bilgiler

    What is refractory material?

    Every material, which has the melting point over 1500 °C, is called refractory material.
    Analysing from another aspect, every material, which has the service temperature over 900 °C, is called refractory material. Materials used below this temperature are called heat-resisting materials.
    According to a less accurate wording we call every material refractory, which permanently resists the varied requisitions in an industry furnace on high temperature without significant change. It suggests that refractory materials have to sustain not only high temperature, but loads coming from dead-weight, abrasive and chemical effects when built in structures.

    Grouping of refractory materials

    Refractory materials can be grouped according to various aspects:
    - Chemical composition
    • Silica products (silica bricks and mortars)
    • Aluminium-silica products (fire-bricks, high alumina bricks, concretes, and mortars)
    • Basic products (basic bricks and basic masses)
    • Carbonic products
    • Silicon-carbide (SiC) products
    • Zirconia products
    • Special products (oxide and non-oxide, BN3)
    - Refractoriness
    • Refractory (SK18-35)
    • High refractoriness (SK36-42)
    • Very high refractoriness (over SK42)
    - Porosity
    • High density (0-16%)
    • Dense (16-30%)
    • Light (30-75%)
    - Production technology
    • Shaped refractory materials (refractory bricks and forms)
    • Non-shaped refractory materials (refractory concretes, refractory mortars, refractory glues, etc.)

    Refractory, heat-insulating materials

    Refractory, heat-insulating materials have significantly less bulk density (~0,4-1,6 g / cm3) and higher porosity (~45-80 tf%) than traditional dense refractory materials, and accordingly the coefficient of thermal conductivity is much less.
    Can be grouped according to production technology:
    • with blowing additive
    • with foaming
    • with gas generation
    • with volatile
    These are very often combined.
    According to outer form we differentiate:
    • Shaped (pressed, drawn, cast, vacuum formed)
    • Non-shaped
    Refractory, heat-insulating materials can be:
    • Ceramic fibre, rock cotton insulating materials
    • Calcium silicate materials
    • Micro-porous insulating materials (WDS)
    • Insulating bricks

    Properties of refractory materials

    Refractoriness of refractory material is the temperature, at which the truncate cone shaped sample made of the refractory material curves under its own weight so, that the top of cone reaches its bottom.
    Refractory materials are usually made of more components having varying melting points, so there is no definite melting point. The component having the lowest melting point melts on high temperature, and when the quantity and viscosity of the melt exceeds a certain critical value, it distorts under its own weight, and loses its structural stability.
    Value of refractoriness is not identical with the service temperature.
    Marking: SK (Seger cone) – this is more common
    or PK (pyrometric cone)
    Chemical composition
    Usually we study the Al2O3, TiO2, SiO2, Fe2O3, CaO, MgO, Na2O+K2O, Cr2O3 content of refractory materials. Depending on the type of refractory material we study other components, too; for example SiC, BaO.
    Unit: %
    Bulk density
    Bulk density is the ratio of the weight of refractory material and the volume measured with pores.
    Unit: g/cm3, kg/dm3, t/m3
    The hydrating ability of refractory materials shows that during impregnation of open pores how much water is hydrated compared to the dry mass of the sample.
    Unit: %
    Refractory materials are usually not gas-compact, as these contain smaller, larger closed or open pores.
    - Open or apparent porosity is the ratio of the volume of open pores to the total volume of the sample, including the volume of pores.
    - Complete porosity is the ratio of total volume of pores to total volume of the sample, including the volume of pores.
    Unit: %
    In the most cases the strength of refractory material to be applied has quite an important role, as sometimes this is the most important figure.
    Usually the compression strength is studied, but to measure the bending- or tearing strength could be necessary, where it is needed.
    The compression strength is the resistance of refractory material to compressive stress.
    It could be cold compression strength, or hot compression strength.
    Unit: kp/cm2; N/mm2; Mpa
    Softening under load
    The built-in refractory materials are exposed to various pressures during working. The weight of lining gives compressive stress, but shear, and bending stress may occur, too. So, the softening under load is an important data considering the application.
    Softening under load is typical of behaviour of refractory material during usage, and gives the highest temperature of usage.
    Unit: °C
    Secondary shrinkage, growth
    Secondary volume changes of partly burnt or unburnt refractory materials occur on high temperature.
    Its numeric value is the percentage of change related to pre-heating, original length, and volume.
    Maximal service temperature is the temperature, at which the value of linear secondary shrinkage reaches 1,5%.
    Unit: %
    Thermal expansion
    During a furnace building it is important to know the thermal expansion of the refractory materials used to calculate the dilation (expansion) joints.
    Usually the linear thermal expansion is determined in the percentage of original length.
    Its value varies depending on the temperature, so the thermal expansion factor is referred to a certain temperature, or range of temperature.
    Unit: %
    Besides, there is cubical expansion as well.
    Resistance against temperature change
    (thermal shock resistance, chilling, abschreck)
    The effect of temperature changes is that crackles may occur on the refractory bricks. The reason for this is the significant quantity of glassy phase in the bricks, inside pressure, phase changes occurring during burning.
    We express the resistance against temperature change with a heat variation (chilling) number, which shows, that how many times the studied refractory material stood the heating and cooling, until the 50% of area exposed to heat variation started cracking.
    Unit: number of cycles
    Thermal conductivity
    Refractory materials are not insulating perfectly, and let the some heat through. We call this property thermal conductivity. It depends also on the temperature of the refractory material.
    Unit: W/mK
    Relative density
    Relative density is the ratio of weight and volume of powdered, dried, pore-free refractory material.
    Unit: kg/dm3, g/cm3
    Heat capacity
    Heat capacity is the heat quantity, which increases the temperature of a unit of refractory material by 1°C. Its numeric value depends on the temperature.
    Unit: kJ/kg0C
    Gas permeability
    Gas permeability is the property of porous refractory material, which lets air, or gas through as an effect of pressure difference. It shows the kind of porosity of material (pore dimension, pore spreading).
    The gas permeability coefficient is perm, marked: Pm
    The material has 1 Pm gas permeability coefficient, if during 1 second 1 cm3, 1 poise viscosity gas flows through 1 cm2 surface of the 1 cm long test sample as an effect of 1 dm/cm2 pressure difference.
    The gas permeability decreases while the temperature increases, as the viscosity of gases is increasing.
    The slagging of refractory materials is very important especially for furnace linings contacting the melts.
    The kinds of slag effect are so various, and the composition, viscosity and circulation circumstances of the slag are so different, that reproducing among laboratory conditions is not, or quite limitedly possible.
    The most common test method is the so-called jar-method: we make a 50 mm hole into the test sample, we place the corrosion agent (glass, slag, etc.) in. Then we heat the test sample in a furnace on given temperature. After cooling down, we cut the test sample and we determine the extent of scouring and infiltration.
    Solubility (in acids, alkalis)
    Special kind of refractory material is the acid-proof material.
    Acid-proof refractory materials resist the chemical effects of acid gases, acid fluid and alkalis. The mix of concentrated vitriolic acid and concentrated nitric acid is used for testing the acid-proof materials.
    The numeric value of solubility is determined by the per cent weight reduction occurring after solvent effect in proper circumstances.
    Electric resistance and conductivity
    Refractory materials are not conductive on normal temperature, so their resistance is quite large. However, if the temperature is increased, the resistance will decrease and some refractory materials become semiconductor over 1000 °C. Conductivity is significantly influenced by contaminations, especially the iron-contaminations are damaging.
    Deformation under permanent load (creep)
    Refractory materials, which get significant load during use besides the temperature, may specially deform.
    The reason is that in refractory materials melt-phase is forming on 1000-1100 °C, and its viscosity and quantity, as well as the quantity, dimension, form of grains and pores determines the rheological (flowing, deformation) properties of the material.
    The creep of built-in refractory materials is generated by slag- or glass melt, or flue dust. The properties of built-in materials are changing as an effect of melt or flue dust. Materials may show 10-20% deformation under quite small load compared to the original size. The creep is going quite slowly, on especially low temperature. This process doesn’t stop, and continues upon permanent load by almost constant speed.
    Abrasion resistance
    The abrasion of built-in refractory material can happen variously: dissolution in slag-, or iron melt, cracking, slacking by gas or other agents and mechanical abrasion. The latest occurs when the lining on quite low temperature (600-1200 °C) is exposed to some abrasive effect (e.g.: shaft furnace).

    Deposition - Firmamız hakkında

    All listed information of AURAS 2000 Ltd’s web site serves exclusively for guidance, not reckon as official offer. Information of the web site can be changed or actualised without any notice and it can contain technical inaccuracies. Auras 2000 Ltd does not guarantee the exactness and entirety of the web site’s content. Expressly refuse the responsibility because of possibly error or imperfection on home page, resp. damage from using of home page.

    Names, expressions, logos and graphics on this site are qualified as protected by law. Therefore they are protected by trademark and by copyright. Indication of these protected means on our home page does not mean that they can be used by anyone without permission. Unjustified use of these protected means is against the law.
    Using this web site means that you accept the terms of use mentioned above.

    General Market Conditions - Genel Market Uygulamaları

    All customers are considered as a potential customer who accepted our basic sales conditions except those who have written agreement with us about the differences. In case of dissent we use the basic sale conditions.
    2. The agreement is valid if we confirm it in written form or the order is in written confirmation. The agreement is valid until the deadline is expired. Without concede the offer or deadline expiration the offer can be changed by our company at anytime.
    3. TERMS OF CONTRACTThe terms of contract depend on the weight of the ordered products or the number of pieces. These differences cannot be reason for terminating the agreement just enable for reimbursement or surcharge.
      1. Delivery conditions:
      2. The customer is liable for conceding the amounts of shipment in the margin of quantity when the shipment:
        by the piece::

        • Less than 5 pcs:
        • ± 1

        • Between 6-10 pcs:
        • ± 2

        • Between 10-49 pcs:
        • ± 3

        • More than 50 pcs:
        • ± 5%
        by weight:

        • Less than one ton:
        • ± 10%

        • More than one ton:
        • ± 5%
        By other measures: ± 5%.
      3. Size tolerance:

        • Above 300 mm:
        • ± 1,2%

        • Between 150-299 mm:
        • ± 3 mm

        • Under 149 mm:
        • ± 2 mm
        Permissible tolerance is at least 1% of linear dimension.
      4. Technical parameters:
      5. The published parameters on the datasheet are average values. Hereinafter we give allowable tolerances, which are determined on the basis of measured average value of some samples.
        Chemical component:
        In case of mono component material (> 90 %) ± 5%.
        In case of main component (>20%<90%) ± 10%.
        In case of subsidiary component (> 1%<20%) ± 20%.
        In case of micro component < 1% ± 10%.
        Cold Crushing Strength: -20%,
        Modulus Of Rupture: -20%
        Linear thermal expansion: +20%
        Density: ± 10%.
        Required material (without allowance): ± 10%.
        Granulation over the maximum size: +5% (in weight)
      6. Samples and tools:
      7. We invoice the costs of samples and tools for the customer. In case the customer would not like to have the models delivered, according to business practice we retain them for 3 years in the condition of the end of manufacturing, or if there is another agreement or order, the mould shall be wasted.
      8. Drawings:
      9. All drawings, plans, working drawings, shape drawings produced or adopted by our company are properties of us. Those are not allowed to copy, publish or forward to a third party (especially for a potential competitor) without our preliminary permit.
    5. Using boxes, palettes, special palettes, increases the costs of delivery, which are debit to the customers. Hold-down materials, plastic covers, rooftops, edge and corner covers also increases the costs and shall charge to the customers. We can redeem the standardized palettes only on the current price. If the customer delivers us private palettes all those shall be arrived before the manufacture begins.
    7. We do not assume the annulment of orders if:
      • The products are delivered or under delivery
      • The products construction has begun
      • After 7 days of purchase order conformation
      Fentiektől függetlenül, még ha a rendelés törlése a fenti időszakon belül érkezik is cégünkhöz, mindazokat a költségeket, amelyek részben vagy egészben, a szóban forgó rendeléssel kapcsolatban már felmerültek, áthárítjuk a Megrendelőre.

      1. Our products are delivered by ex work parity (both quality and quantity takeover is in our business park). The customer is responsible for the delivery irrespectively of the billing method. Even if our company helps to load up the delivery it does not mean that our company is responsible to carry the delivery to your business park or would be responsible for the carriage or the delivery of products. According to the contract our company considers the goods delivered with handed them over to the transporters. We consent that our procurers check the manufactured products, and do controlling and examining operations which are usual in business life. The costs of transport, checkings, test of the samples- if it occures- are charge to the customers. Damage by transport, shortage or making up or any other claims are the responsibility of the procurer.

      2. The terms of transport can be influenced by irrespective factors. There is no assume because it. These irrespective factors are shall not cause terminations of order or any other claims or right to appeal. After receipt the risks are for the customers even if the goods were not paid completely.


      1. The deadline of payment is fixed in the confirmation letter or in the transportation agreement. Default in paying shall cause increased payment with double tax in bank of issue. If the customer does not adhere payment terms we have the right to terminate the agreement and arrogate the remained payment „de jure” immediately. This does not affect other legal actions of us. Reclamation against our invoice shall be within 3 days. We send the invoice to the customer if the order backlog occurs and the situation is not our blonder. In that case the products are stored in our store and the coast of storage is for the customers.

      2. If the procurer situation or status is substantially change- demise, disability, procurer alteration, lost good reputation, hypothecation- we reserve the right to get warranty or terminate the order with that procurer.

    11. Complaints have to be taken in written form. The procurer shall give all data (manufacturing date of materials, industry number, date of delivery) to identify the products. The procurer shall permit to check the samples or take samples from the delivered materials in the storage area of the procurer. The procurer shall store the disapproved materials in correct way without any alteration to not influence the consideration of complaint. When it is necessary our company can check the material with an independent quality controlling office. When the complaint is not justifiable the all cost of review is invoice to the procurer.
      The procurer shall take back the products just with written approval of us. The cost of taking back the products is for the procurer. The products shall be in original wrapping.
    12. WARRANTY

      1. Using refractory materials are irrespectively of producers dissimilar in absence of dissimilar agreement we are not able to take risk in connection with product built in. Our warranty is based on only the data of technical quality according to the technical data sheet or supplement of originally delivered materials. The complaint can be taken only in written form and if all parties declare that the products have not met the standards according to the technical data sheet. This kind of warranty proved within 1 month after delivery of products. The loss caused by cost-free verbal counsel can cause immunity from liability. Our firm is ready to elaborate offers, papers, plans, civil engineering, according to the claims of procurers received them in written form. The cost of process goes to the procurer. In this case obligation of warranty shall be written in other agreement.

      2. When the procurer uses those kinds of drawings, plans, samples which are properties of the third party, the procurer shall provide permission for the third party to use them and the procurer shall secure us from prejudice.

    13. VIS MAIOR
    14. All events, which are out of our responsibility- shutdown, machinery problems, malfunctions, strike, war, fire, logistic malfunctions, and all vis major events absolve us all obligation and prejudice, caused by transport delay, the order part or full execution.

      1. All of uncertain condition which is out of this general condition of sales shall be solved by the 7/1978 of Civil Code of Hungarian Republic and all time the operative laws are normative.

      2. The parties are obligated to solve litigations placidly. After abortive litigation they are obligated to accept the judgement of Budapest District Judiciary.

    17. The delivered products are the properties of the company until purchase price paid. In that case there is nothing other deflated paper can supersede the money. The procurer covenant that until the purchase price paid there is no chance to sell, alienation, prepare, built in, pledge the products without the written approval of our company. The buyer obliges to save the product in identifiable condition and assures them against the damage until the price is paid. If the buyer consumes the product before the price is paid without written approval of our company, we have the right to take back the rest of product and sell them immediately without any consequence.

    Products - Ürünler


    1 . ) Refrakter Betonlar ve kitleler

    - Yoğun refrakter döküm Betonlar

    - Düşük ( LC ) ve ultra düşük ( ULC ) çimento yoğun refrakter Betonlar içerir

    - Standart püskürtme malzemeleri

    - Düşük porozite topladığını malzemeleri

    - Döküm Betonlar Yalıtım

    - Plastik kitleler

    - Kuru vibro kitleler

    - Çakma kitleler

    - Kaplama , püskürtme , tamir malzemeleri

    - Harç , refrakter yapıştırıcı malzemeler

    - Enjeksiyon ile çalışmak için Ürünler

    - Musluk delikli mastik malzeme

    - Prefabrik refrakter şekli

    Sizin talep uygun ürün seçimi uzman yardımı isteyin

    2 . ) Ateşe dayanıklı tuğla

    - 30-45 % Al2O3 içerikli Yangın kil tuğlalar

    - Yüksek alümina içeriği tuğla : 45-99,5 % Al2O3

    - Temel ürünler

    - Manyezit

    - Manyezit - Cromite

    - Cromite - manyezit

    - SiC tuğla

    - Karbon katkı ürünleri

    - Silika tuğla

    3 . ) Asit dayanıklı tuğla

    4 . ) Servis sıcaklığı 900 - 17500C için ateşe dayanıklı yalıtım tuğla

    JM 23 hizmet sıcaklıklar için 1260 ° C

    JM 26 hizmet sıcaklıklar için 1430 ° C

    Hizmet sıcaklıklar için JM 28 kadar 1540 ° C

    Stok N2 boyutu , farklı boyutlarda sunulan ve talep üzerine teslim edilebilir

    Yapıştırma malzemesi:

    Blakite - servis sıcaklığı için 1650 ° C

    20 ve 50 kg davul - 100 20 dakika bağ zaman ° C

    5 . ) Fiber yalıtım malzemeleri

    6 . ) Elyaf olmadan izolasyon ürünleri Thermal

    7 . ) Seramik tüpler

    Yardımcıları ateş 8 . ) SiC

    9 . ) Mika bazında yalıtım malzemeleri

    . 10 ) Grafit ürünler : ağırlıklı olarak uygulama döküm için

    . 11 ) Teknik seramik :

    - Özel taleplerin bazında imal ürün çalıştı

    12 . Şömine ve kabuk sobalar için Ürünler

    - Yangın tuğla :

    50 * 124 * 64 mm

    - Yangın kil levhalar :

    250 * 124 * 40 mm

    400 * 200 * 40 mm

    400 * 300 * 40 mm

    - Kalsiyum - silikat panoları :

    1000 * 500 panoları

    25-30-50 mm kalınlığında

    1250 * 500 panoları

    25-30-40 mm kalınlığında

    Refrakter kimyasal gümrüklü tutkal

    25 kg / kova

    - 4-6-10-12 mm kalınlığında Çeşitli fitilleri

    - Şömine tamir kiti ( sızdırmazlık kordon , kordon ve tutkal )

    1.) Refractory castables and masses

    From several refractory milled materials with cement or chemical bond manufactured material, from which liking shape refractory lining made out of.
    - Dense refractory casting castables
    - Low (LC) and ultra low (ULC) cement contain dense refractory castables
    - Standard gunning materials
    - Low porosity gunning materials
    - Insulating casting castables
    - Plastic masses
    - Dry vibro masses
    - Ramming masses
    - Coating, gunning, repairing materials
    - Mortars, refractory adhesive materials
    - Products for working in with injection
    - Tap-hole mastic material
    - Prefabricated refractory shape
    Choosing of convenient product of your demand ask for experts’ help
    2.) Refractory bricks
    - Fire-clay bricks with 30-45% Al2O3 content
    - High alumina content bricks: 45-99,5% Al2O3 content
    - Basic products
    - Magnesite
    - Magnesite-cromite
    - Cromite-magnesite
    - SiC bricks
    - Carbon additive products
    - Silica bricks
    3.) Acid-proof bricks
    4.) Refractory insulating bricks for service temperature 900-17500C
    5.) Fibre insulating materials
    6.) Thermal insulating products without fibre
    7.) Ceramic tubes
    8.) SiC firing aids
    9.) Insulating materials on mica bases
    10.) Graphite products: mainly for casting application
    11.) Technical ceramics:
    - Manufactured on the bases of special demands worked product
    12. Products for fireplaces and cockle stoves
    -        Fire-brick:
    • 50*124*64 mm
    -        Fire-clay plates:
    • 250*124*40 mm
    • 400*200*40 mm
    • 400*300*40 mm
    -        Calcium-silicate boards:
    • 1000*500 boards
    in 25-30-50 mm thickness
    • 1250*500 boards
    in 25-30-40 mm thickness
    • Refractory chemical bonded glue
    25 kg / bucket
    -        Various sealing cords in 4-6-10-12 mm thickness
    -        Fireplace repairing kit (sealing cord, strap and glue)

    Action: in case the purchase exceeds 100.000,-Ft net, we provide significant discount for Calcium-silicate boards and other stove-, fireplace products
    For more information about the actual discount, please, contact our office
    Tarık Tekeş: +36-70-709-1069



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