In our hurried world the continuous availability of means of production is very important. Therefore the demand of our customers to work without their melting and soaking furnace as short as possible in case of a small damage is understandable. Our experts worked out a new technology, which makes the repair of certain smaller damages of melting and soaking furnaces during a weekend possible. The quick repair can be executed by using a new chemical bonded aluminium repellent refractory material. When repair is completed, the setting time is 3-4 hours, then the shuttering can be removed, and the heating up can be started immediately.
People should not wait 24 hours for the final forming of hydraulic setting, as in case of cement bonded products.
Heating up speed of furnaces repaired with AUFLOW-80 AL can be 120 oC / hour, therefore, by using this material the furnace can be placed back to production in 12-24 hours after the repair instead of the usual 3-5 days heating up.
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